Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Reason, Predestination and Grace.

Reason, predestination and grace.. it seems that there is a word which does not belong and that goes clearly against the other two words as if they where in a 1vs 2 combat. Reason is the human capacity of logical and analytic thought which works in favor of the human raze, sometimes plotting in favor of good ends and sometimes in favor of evil ends. One can use reason in any way which better serves ones interests. Reason is the main human value which is undeniably in the top of the values hill for one simple reason, the human raze acknowledges this value and capacity as the differentiating factor from all the other animals in the reality as we have get the chance to know. Pascal, as a mathematician has experienced the good fruit of reasoning and uses it, through the structured construction of probability as a tool to analyze from a cold perspective the whole traditional concept of afterlife, from the knowledge he has acquired due to the fact that he has awaken into consciousness in a Judeo-Christian context.

Eternity implies infinite more time than finite time - First premise
Eternity exists - Probability
A bet on eternity, even if it is really improbable is the best bet. Eternal glory seems much more of a rewarding price if it is compared to finite glory.

This could possibly appear as a bet played from fear. However, could anyone really claim that he suffers from absolutely no fear of what happens after we die? If I had to bet on that one I probably take my chances. One can not reason in a purely objective and uninfluenced way. Now we have arrived bizarrely to the topic of predestination. Ones existence seems to be randomly determined by the context conditions one is born in. If one destroys the current of thought implanted by cultures tradition one does not arrive at a state of enlightenment in which no thought wonders through the vast extensions of ones mind, if that where the case one could not reconstruct anything out of nothing.

The word predestination comes from the greek word proorizo which means determined in advanced. All of our lives seemed to be determined in advanced by the fact that one has no saying in whether we want to awake into the living or not, one has no saying wether if he wants to be born rich or poor, christian or jewish, buddhist or minimalist. Even if we embrace Espinosa's philosophy of the collective current of thought that comes from behind us into our present and that only by the power of our unlimited and vigorous will we can make out of our constantly renewed and renewing present anything we want there is no way out of predestination. Espinosa's argumentation aims to exalt the idea of freedom and free will and simultaneously to fight against religious thoughts that were not first brought into the picture by Pascal, nor by the apostle Paul, and not even by the ancient greek tragedy of Oedipus. Reasoning from Espinosa one could say that men always make rational decisions in order to get in return the maximum amount of benefits. Also we could agree that men take decisions at the present, and that the decisions that someone opts for in the present may vary in function of previous experiences, in order to live again a victory or in order to avoid a failure. Following this order of ideas, if men do always take the best possible decision out of the deck of decisions they could perceive in an specific lapse of continuos time, when they reason, sense, acknowledge it is time to take a decision, then how is that we think that the future is not predestined if we have always been one step behind since the moment we awake into the living and took our first "conscious" decision  that started to through us into a path in which we will continue to make only one, the best decision, at every time.
(I hope you did get that one jejeje)

Predestination is something that has always been around and men have always dealt with this concept. It seems that reason and predestination have always been meant to be in the same package of words. I bet that this is because we are actually created in God's image.

Now, after my best possible process of decision making to opt for the best way I could share may thoughts on predestination, having in account the conditions that push me into writing with the threat of being late once again to class, we have arrived to the last topic, the Grace of God.


This will be hardcore gospel material.

Stop reading if you rationally arrive to the conclusion that is better for you to stop.

God, the only one that is and was able to create something out of nothing, which was not actually ever nothing, due to the fact that he has always existed, determined in advanced that we were going to be in this course together, that the human raze was going to choose to put him aside to undertake the conquest of being self-sufficient and autonomous and that because of this, death and evil was going to be created by Him and that the human kind will be confined to a evil nature in which from the very early ages of ones live would tend to opt for a current of thoughts that would make one acknowledge ones incapacity to comply the first, more abstract and more important of all the Law of God, of the order of things, to love God above anything and anything. How our we going to possibly be able to love God above anything if we do not even manage to love others and in some "weird" cases even ourselves.

The Law of God is there to give human kind the knowledge that they can not comply, consequently the knowledge of sin, the knowledge of being different to God regarding our nature; The Law is not there as a moral code someone should live in in order to go and live with God, because no matter how hard one tries to live by the Law one will never be able to do it by its own self sufficient means. (Galatians 3:10)

The Grace of God is that HE acknowledge that HE was responsible for his creation, and due to the fact that he is a God of justice someone had to pay for all the sins so HE decided, in advanced, that he was going to be the one paying for it, and that anyone that would recognize that only because of HIM we are able to go live with HIM, not because of our good deeds, and that only through ones addition to HIS victory over death, the product of sin, that had us prisoners, we are able to go live with him. The Grace is the gift of salvation nobody deserves but that we are all able acquired through Christ (GOD's) sacrifice. (Ephesians 2:1-10)


  1. You state that God created the world, but if (in probability) time is infinite, is it not probable, in fact is it not certain, that human beings, the world, reality as we know it would exist at some point on this infinite timescale? If there are infinite chances for something to exist, the probability is that it will, without the influence of God.

    n.b. respect for sticking by your beliefs in the face of the attacks from our Prof

  2. You state that God created the world, but if (in probability) time is infinite, is it not probable, in fact is it not certain, that human beings, the world, reality as we know it would exist at some point on this infinite timescale? If there are infinite chances for something to exist, the probability is that it will, without the influence of God.

    n.b. respect for sticking by your beliefs in the face of the attacks from our Prof
