Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Insights On Language And Illusory Emancipation

Language is the materialization of perception, words are nothing but the mental concept to refer to something that has been perceived by our mischievous sensorial system and that has then been accepted through the creation of a social convention. There are many words in all of the different tongues that exist and all of them make reference to something tangible or intangible, the word imagination falls in the second group, nobody could draw or make a sculpture out of it it but we all have experience it. According to Michel Montagne, imagination has the force to deceive the human mind, regarding our sensorial experiences, from which mental models are derived in a continuous construction. A non-stop conscious and sub-conscious experience which is influenced, as Montaigne thinks, by virtually anything, including something as intangible abstract and most of the times random as the current of though where the conscious and sub-conscious meet, the imagination. One could argue that someone who ends up altering his daily decisive actions as a response to a sense of urge produced by the need of materializing the conclusions that arise from the involuntary habit of thinking from within cultural relativism (from which nobody can escape unhurt) is someone irresponsible, irrational, and influenceable. However, not even the method of doubt, presented by Descartes to the "wannabe" self-sufficient individuals, delivers a escape route from social consciousness. It is a fact that humans are animals that, when born, are completely dependent of their makers, and as the years go by and hairs come out, that fact never changes, as we are the only animals who perceive our own vulnerability through our undervalued knowledge regarding our mortality; Animals which take part in rituals to say farewell to the ones who have past away, in a world-wide language context in which the words "perfect" and "infinite" exist as a response to the testimonies of those who have experienced a relationship with the one and only everlasting MAKER.

André Robert

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