Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Why is society not the cause of evil of Man

Rousseau in his second discourse on the Origin of Inequality among men suggests that man is good by nature, but it is society that corrupts it. In the state of nature, men live in isolation, since the only natural community is the family, and only during the time that children need from their parents; then they dissolve family ties. Since, in this state, men have not been corrupted, humans are mostly strong, healthy and self-sufficient. In this state men are basically the same as the inequalities that there are only due to their physical condition. Rousseau concludes therefore that man is good by nature. However, the man becomes evil and full of vices, with the creation of human societies, becoming, then, as Hobbes said in a wolf to man. Therefore, for Rousseau it is society that causes the corruption of man.

But how can be possible that of the addition of pure naturally good beings  arises something- the society- which is a source of pure evil ? How can it be created something bad from a union of only good elements? Following the same line, would come to that, or humans are not naturally good, or the society is not the source of the evils of man. What cannot be possible is that of the union of elements with certain characteristics emerge another element with opposite characteristics.

Is human being good by nature? Rousseau says yes, Hobbes says no, and many others support different theories. Rousseau's argument is based on the wild man while living in its natural state was good and happy, living in peace and harmony with nature. Moreover, the historical man, living in society is bad and selfish, because life in society has corrupted him. However, society is made up exclusively of men. Therefore, for society to be able to corrupt man, it is necessary that at least one man was not good, what is not possible because all human beings are equal in nature. Then it should be true that the evil has created itself, which is ridiculous to suppose. We can conclude then, that the human being is not naturally good as it is able to create evil. Does this mean that man is evil by nature? The answer is no. If human beings were evil by nature, then there wouldn´t be kindness. Human beings are naturally good and bad in that it is potentially good and bad, and as such, able to create good and bad.

We ask now for society. Is Society the cause of evil? Rousseau states

“Whoever sang or danced best, whoever was the handsomest, the strongest, the most dexterous, or the most eloquent, came to be of most consideration; and this was the first step towards inequality, and at the same time towards vice. From these first distinctions arose on the one side vanity and contempt and on the other shame and envy: and the fermentation caused by these new leavens ended by producing combinations fatal to innocence and happiness.”

It is clear that for him society is the cause of all evil, and man is a victim of it. But how can it be possible that the mere fact of living in society causes such evils without the condition that allows these evils to be developed in men? Something innate in the human being,something in the essence of man must be that allows such evils to exist. If it were not so, then it must be true that any species living in community – such as bees, birds or ants is corrupted and then, exists in them vanity, envy, shame or hatred. Therefore, is the society the cause for the evils of man? I think the answer is no. Society can be the catalyst for the evils, but not the creator of themOf the fact that life in society arises feelings like vanity or hatred, doesn´t imply in any way that this is the creator of such evils. There is something innate in humans that makes to wake these feelings when they live in society. So it is with love and good feelings; there is something in man that enables man to develop these feelings when they live in society. The society is the way that makes it possible developing human potential, but it is in no case the creator of these.

Rousseau takes a comfortable position to blame society of men, as it is freed of the responsibility that comes to recognize that man is the cause of the goodness and evil that afflicts him. To assume that the human being is potentially good and bad at the same time comes the responsibility of taking charge of one's existence and try to do it only benefits.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Berni, interesting blog post. I think your idea of the potential for both good and evil existing in man is very true, and not neccessarily counter to what Rousseau was arguing. From my interpretation, Rousseau isn't saying that man himself is only good, and doesn't have the capacity to be evil, but that man in his state of nature, i.e. isolated and not a part of society, is inherently good. As in, a person living by themselves in the jungle is inherently a good person because there is noone for them to be jealous of, or to do bad things to. It is only when someone is in the company of others that they are able to feel jealous of someone else, be vain, or to do 'evil' things. The capacity to be good and evil and to do both good and bad things are inherently within human beings, but it is only through the interaction with society that the evil/bad is brought forth.
