Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Rousseau Rousseau Rousseau

What could I possibly say about Rousseau to keep on trying to give all the glory to the creator Jesus Christ? There is no way I could do anything decent without starting to discuss his anthropological perspective. Rousseau manages to narrate a state of nature in which men are really independent and isolated from one another, men who at first only encountered each other to satisfy their natural instinct of reproduction so that then they could have a good nap with their chests all filled up with pride. So then you know how it goes, two make three and there it is, a new amazingly loud and perseverant crying hungry mouthed baby. This creates cooperation from within the also new borne family structure derived from the natural state of compassion, and the development of language, love, social interaction, private property, vanity and envy.

As from my point of view the establishment of the social contract itself could be the key point into trying to shake Rousseau's philosophy, which seems to have found its may point, that men are good and that society corrupts them, before its construction; As if building a bridge in between to cliffs starting from the middle. However, I do find marvelous how he managed to narrate a state of affairs in which nobody did question if men where actually compassionate in their natural state, and I can not imagine a different kind of approach that could have destroyed monarchy, which was clearly not the way to go.

But, a question remains in my head: How can one argue that a change in a system is needed when the system itself, no matter the kind, will end up corrupting its naturally good people? I think it has a really bold move and that the possible negative and positive repercussions where not seriously waged. What if men where not actually good in the state of nature? Who can actually say something away from speculations regarding this point? As I say I cannot imagine another way to have accomplished to change that incredibly poor low social mobility system without attacking the anthropological paradigm that reigned, however I do not see clear evidence rather than an amazingly well written cause-effect speculation fantasy.

Moreover, what could be the actual impact of giving a moral value judgment to men that are not possibly going to be involved in a state of affairs confined outside a social contract? As for my point of view that could have been left alone and if Rousseau was aiming for political development he should have state from within the political paradox. But what’s done its done. I think I do not have to dwell to much into how the fact that men think they are naturally good has given them the greatest weapon that has ever existed, a self-excuse from anything, a "peacefully" internal way out of anywhere. Adolf Eichman would have probably sincerely think, ""I’m good, I was just following orders."" Or some heroine junky in E-side Vancouver, ""I’m good, always been, my instincts to, is just the system who f***ed up my family"" This anthropological perspective gives us the chance to easily wash our hands up and blame others, who will also blame others. Consequently, I just fell confortable in saying thanks to Rousseau for having us delivered us from monarchy to democracy, but that this system could work much better if embracing the fact the we are not as good as we think and that we could use the help of a much greater one, ready to help us fight the best fight against mediocrity and "positive" self-denial: El Rey Jesús.

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