Saturday, October 24, 2015

Can we benefit from a modern society?

Rousseau argues that the natural state occurred before we were corrupted by politics. Human society is not part of this natural state but is one which is made so we can work cooperatively in a system and therefore we must accepts some constraints in order. Although we lose the ability to release our inhibitions and feel the rain on our skin we expand our civil liberty which allows us to have reason and gain a more moral  character, We stop acting like animals and contribute intellectually in a society. We act as rational being, and keep to moral law.

Rousseau believed that we should think for the greater of the state and not think to pursue just our own personal interest. This can be seen in today society where the rich interest may be to cut tax and the poor need more social programs that would help them. However the ideal state the rich would want to provide social programs for the poor. The poor on the other hand would support taxes cuts to help stimulate the economy.

In a civil society there needs to be laws that are universally acceptable that work for the greater good for its citizens, a good society will make good people and a bad society makes  people become bad,  who break these laws are not working to make was a believer in the death penalty as he believed that criminal will corrupt a healthy civil society, and although he supported the idea of pardons, he argued that these people will hinder the civil society and will thus impact the general will and hence the individual will.

I found it interesting when Rousseau spoke about the climate influence the type of governance that should prevail. In the hotter climates in the south such as parts of Africa there should be monarchies because there are greater surplus the land is more futile so the people are more spread out where as in the colder climates in the north lets say Denmark Norway with the colder climates should have democracy as there will be less land and less people spread out. In order for the best civil society to work he argues that it need to be small enough to govern. An ideal size would of course be Geneva which luckily is where Rousseau grew up. So I have some questions for you: would the ideal society designed by Rousseau hold up in the present day and if so where? Is there a perfect area in which it would? It seems to me that the suggestion of this difference in governance to hotter climates to colder is a sort of elitist view, that the countries that are best suited to a democratic civil society would be in the north. 


  1. Hi there Isadora, I was reading your text and I could not comment about the good society that make people good too and the bad society that makes them wrong.
    Personally, I disagree, I starting thinking about different countries… First off all, I do not want to become someone that finds everything relative, but.. What is good and evil? Because this will defer in the total response. It is true that more organized country does help people not to become corrupt, but even when they are not corrupt they are less human.. For instance, I remember being in Manhattan when a woman fainted in a mall…my first reaction was to lift her feet so help her. The minute I touched her, everyone stopped my and started telling me not to do anything because if not the woman would sue me. The next thing I was seeing was a bunch of people gathering around just watching the lady on the floor. I was actually horrified that in this marvelous country that is so prosper, human had become so little human if you get me.
    Another thing that came to my mind was for instance, war time. War does not make a good society, so for what you say it would make bad people. On this extent, I remember a soldier that was alive because a partner of him in war gave his life for his. While I was speaking to him he told me very wise words, he said that war brings out the worst of human beings but also the best of them. He gave me a lot of different examples about it, such as people who starve to give food to pregnant women who they do not even know, etc.

  2. Hi Lucia, thank you for you reply, I really enjoyed the examples you used. I found it interesting when you said that even people who are not corrupt they are less human. Straight away I think about what are the attributes of being human? Would you say that human beings are inherently corrupt and it is society which stops them from being so. I agree that in this modern society one could say that we have taken a step too far in creating laws that suggest you should not help an injured person for fear of being sued. In places where there are less laws one could also say that more random kindness is shown in the community, but one could counter this argument that in places where there are less laws there are greater crime rates. I think you are right in that good people don't stem out from a good society but they are what makes the society good. I think there needs to be enough people who agree on cooperating together and living harmoniously for a society to work. There will always be good and bad people in the world but i wonder if the ratio of good and bad people effects the power of a good sustained society

    1. hi again Isidora! Well, In relation to crime and law, I would say that law is the one who says what is and what is not a, sometimes, in some States that have low number of crimes, if we compare their legal system to another countries one, we would find that they have the same amount of crimes as the one that at first seemed to have a higher rate. For instance, look at Germany during the Second war…for their legal system, all they were doing was wonderful..well, laws will always be passed by the ones who are more we should base what we think in just a reduced thing as crimes. We would become reduccionists.
      Personally, I believe that human come more from education in schools, were you learn how to socialize. And at the same time, I do not judge that we can classify all human kind in good or evil, we are all different with diverse priorities. I just posted this on my text about Rousseau!

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