Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Existentialism Reloaded

So human kind is condemned to be free, according to Sartre. I hope people in this world would use this condemnation to read something other than their phones, oh God how I greave the piece of paper. From all the choices available for one to aim towards a goal by a series of little choices that accumulate and drive one closer and closer and closer to certain accomplishment, disregarding how much far away it may lay on the horizon of goals, people often forget the nature of the freedom from which we suffer. Human freedom, in contrast with the rest of the animals in the creation, is not a ball of snow, is not a continuum. This I argue, by appealing to the "philosophe" Henri Bergson (who I know only because of the fact that he is the one I’m doing my project on.) As humans suffer from being able to reflect and wonder in the land of abstraction, their decision making malfunction is not confined to the space-time context in which our existence and a snowball do lay. Our thoughts do not materialize themselves as we just think about them; they also do not take into account the rushed running forward of time. Our thoughts are always new, even if there is this huge amount of conscious and subconscious information behind them, that may even be the reason, gathered as a sum, for this new though that may even be a reflection on a "wow why do I just keep on thinking about this" subject, as for these, our thoughts always taste and present their selves in a different and surprisingly old but refreshed perspective.
No matter how close one may feel to the ultimate goal that drives actions through the inescapable attachment to freedom, every decision is a wide open door, once again, to the whole moral spectrum, with vectors of all magnitudes pointing in all directions.
However, from a perfectly "feet rooted to earth" point of view, choosing the vector that cancels and resets our snowball to zero so that we may actually experience the freedom we all potentially hold within, in its ultimate expression, is a really scary decision and also gives the impression of being unrealistic, when thinking about how we are also condemned to take responsibility for our actions and to take care of the debts we may have acquired in the way down into the present as we struggled with the dizziness produced by the "wooow s***, I can actually do whatever I want." It seems logically impossible to enjoy from a completely fresh start. On the other hand, our story and the moving forward of its development, appears to be the only thing we actually have, and even wondering about the fact of getting anywhere near the "F5" button gives us the chills. However, it is not impossible, it is not unrealistic, and it is not scary, at least no more frightening than a screen picture in which all of these unhandled snowballs combined, after the sudden death of most of the self-sufficient "we will be able to stop those just in time" characters, goes down the hill to burry once and for all the "still asleep" dreams of ultimate freedom the town people didn't yet know they had.
Because God gave his only begotten Son so that everyone who believes in him won’t get lost but would get saved. And it is completely true that we actually are free because in first letter of Timothy chapter 2 verses 1-6 it is written that God would love for everyone to get saved through faith in the sacrifice of his Son Jesus, who is actually God himself, who took all the anger He had feel, felt, and will feel towards sin and spill it all upon his hundred percent human existence, taking responsibility for having made us the way He did, despising sin and loving sinners at the same time, through the same action. However there are various passages that declare that not everyone will actually be saved as in Hebrews 9:28.

So enjoy your freedom and make the best out of it.

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